

Since 2020, sustainability was a key focus for us, before we’d ever even heard the term. Not for kudos, just because it made sense for us, the landscape, the building and the people who feel drawn to use it.

Over the last 25 years Brú Moytura has been a melting pot for different environmental and ecological experiments - everything from wind turbine workshops to building with wattle and daub.

Some of the key things you’ll notice during your stay will be;


Rainwater harvest feeds the showers.

Solar power heats the water.

A wind turbine adds to our energy.

Well water quenches our thirst.

Your toes will be warmed by geothermal heating.

The grey water becomes not-so-grey through a natural waste water irrigation system, completed with reed and willow beds.

Our extensive native tree planting has brought birdlife back to the district.